Back Issue by TwoMorrows celebrate Superman: The Movie 40th Anniversary
For those who haven’t heard of Back Issue before (like me), it’s a magazine which focuses and covers back issue comic books from a range of era’s – 70s, 80s, 90s and even today’s comics. The magazine tends to cover, as they say “what the readers want”, with a vast history of comic books and the creators.
Well, now they are stepping away from comics very slightly and is focusing on an iconic film – Superman: The Movie – in their December issue. The issue is yet another celebration of the films 40th anniversary since its release, and I am not complaining! Check it out!

The Superman issue is #109 of the magazines, and features 84 colour pages. You can expect to see a great detail on the impact that the film has had on the world since it’s release, including how it has effected comic books, collectibles and media. This issue is really packed full of all things Superman, and even discloses previous plans for the scrapped Superman V film! That is something I need to know right now! It also features interviews with the stars of the film series, including: Jack O’Halloran, Aaron Smolinski, Jeff East, Diana Sherry Case and the executive producer Ilya Salkind. The artwork on the cover is by the legend Gary Frank and is taken from Superman: Secret Origin #4. I love it, and it really does capture the classic Christopher Reeve features and characteristics, and not to mention his suit!
If that wasn’t enough, 10% of each sale will be donated to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation, which is a fantastic touch to support a great cause. The issue is priced at $8.95 and is available from their website for a one off purchase, or you can also subscribe to the magazine.