REVIEW: Man Of Tomorrow #17
Man Of Tomorrow #17 is here and this week we have another fantastic issue. Like I’ve said many times before, this series really is a hidden gem. I know of a lot of people haven’t yet read this series, but guys… you are seriously missing out. Every issue has been absolute gold so far and this one is no exception.
Before we go into this weeks issue, let’s take a look at the cover by V Ken Marion, with colours by Emilio Lopez. Straight up, I love this cover! It’s an excellent action shot that perfectly matches the contents of the issue. As you may know, I love when that happens! The choppy lines by Marion really add to the effect, it really shows the pace and panic of the moment. Not only that but the colours are gorgeous and striking, the use of light and shading is really effective and once again really adds to the atmosphere.

Superman finds himself in a dilemma, not a physical one, but an emotional one. Once again he comes face to face with a familiar encounter, one that he has sent to Stryker Island Penitentiary in the past. That very encounter has escaped that very prison and requires help from Superman, but not for the reasons you might first think.
Superman’s problems or tasks aren’t always ones that require him to use his brute strength, and this issue does a fantastic job of showcasing that. Superman is extremely confident in this issue, even when facing the unknown. Personally I love his interaction with the officials at the scene, he perfectly dictates and directs the situation at hand.
Writer Stephanie Phillips has played with my emotions far too much in this issue. It really brought a tear to my eye and put a big smile on my face at the same time, which is difficult to do in a single issue. Despite the interference and disruption that has been caused by this dilemma, Superman really takes his time and really cares. He knows exactly how the person is feeling, so decides to stand by him in his time of need. I really loved the final panel of this issue which shows just how caring and thoughtful Superman is, that’s what put the smile on my face.
I have to say there are some unique ways of story telling in this issue and that’s down to the panels, especially within the first few pages. I love how the creative team have told the story with panels intercepting one another in order to show events that are taking place at the same time. It’s a breath of fresh air and adds a real sense of emergency to the situation.
The artwork in this issue makes Superman look very young, which isn’t an issue of course, it just makes me think he’s in the early stages of his glory days. He looks really fantastic in his stride though, confident and powerful, and that’s thanks to the incredible artwork by V Ken Marion and colours by Emilio Lopez.
The pair work fantastically together and really capture the atmosphere and emotions of the situation. The artwork throughout the issue is great, it’s realistic yet hopeful, and really adds effect to the moments that need it. There is also (at least I think it is) a really nice tribute to the iconic cover of Man Of Steel #1 by John Bryne. That for me, added a huge wave of nostalgia, which I think is something that the series as a whole has certainly played on.
This, once again is a really great yet emotional issue which really highlights the best of Superman, as he deals with a psychological dilemma whilst supporting someone in need. Again, I find myself eagerly awaiting the next issue within this series, and pray that we get a psychical release.
Haven’t read Man Of Tomorrow #17 yet? You can read it digitally via the Read DC Website. Or if you prefer to use Comixology, you can get the issue here (UK), or here (US).