REVIEW: Superman & Lois S1 Ep 7: Man Of Steel
Superman & Lois S1 Ep 7 is a completely engrossing and surprising epic that answers so many of our questions, while bringing us so many more! This episode really continues the established quality of performance and visual excellence too, and like I said this is my favourite episode to date.
Superman & Lois S1 Ep 7: Man Of Steel is finally here and I have to say I think this is the best episode we have seen so far. There was just so much to unpack!
I recently discovered that The CW has uploaded extended cuts of all the episodes to their free streaming service, so I watched the extended version of this week’s episode! Since I didn’t watch the broadcast version, I have no way of knowing what was taken out or added, so for the full experience, make sure to take a look at those extended cuts!
This episode focuses on Jordan adjusting to his new power of superhearing, as well as the deepening mysteries of Morgan Edge and Captain Luthor, the latter of which get’s a character deep dive, complete with astonishing and truly exciting revelations for Superman fans!

Lois and Clark are in teamwork mode this episode, and it’s lovely to see the two of them working together as they investigate Captain Luthor. As they discover more about him, we get our first references to the Multiverse and recollections of Crisis on Infinite Earths, as well as the CW’s established Lex Luthor character. This firmly establishing this show does indeed share continuity with the previous appearances of these characters, which is excellent.
Jordan’s arc in this episode feels very real, especially him bailing on his dad trying to train him, but then trying to do it again by himself when no one is watching, a very introverted teenager thing to do. I really loved this moment and I particularly loved how Jonathan also got his time to shine in this episode too. It just goes to show that you don’t need to have superpowers to be a hero.

There are some great moments in Superman & Lois S1 Ep 7, like the first time Superman hears the name “Luthor” mentioned, the continuing drama between the boys, Lana’s daughter (who continues to be a stand out for me), and some amazing glimpses into the past of the Captain Luthor’s Earth. The dazzling special effects continue, and as I said, we get some truly amazing and unexpected character reveals!
And then of course there were a few moments that were just good silly superhero fun. Like Superman getting Jordan’s attention by blowing ice breath into his face, and the moment where Superman rams a car at full speed. There’s some great use of special effects in this episode that I really enjoyed, for example the use of slow motion which really allows viewers to take in all of what’s going on. It’s really effective and goes a long way for me.

One moment did bug me on a personal preference level, and that’s when Superman brings Jordan to The Fortress to have him examined at the beginning of the episode. First of all, the “Fortress” is barely a Fortress. It’s literally an ice cave with a boulder that happens to have a slot to stick a crystal. There’s nothing alien about it, or any indication that any design (in or out of universe) has been put into it at all. You’re telling me the advanced Kryptonian race is going to produce a Fortress building crystal that leaves the user with dirt floors? Even though I’m not a huge fan of the crystal aesthetic of the Reeve films, even that is better than this.
The Fortress set from Supergirl was pretty great, why not just use that!? It had Kelex! Secondly, I can’t stand that the Jor-El AI is somehow all-knowing and equipped to deal with any and all eventualities. How in the world could Jor-El predict the exact bodily changes his son would go through under a red sun? Even if he could, there’s no way he’d possibly be able to train his son to cope with his powers, having never experienced anything like them himself. Much less, be able to do the same for a Kryptonian/Human hybrid like Jordan. Sure, I’ll buy that the AI could be fed modern information and calculate accordingly, but I really don’t think it would be able to produce nuanced life and parenting advice.
Lastly, I don’t think I could talk about Superman & Lois S1 Ep 7 without commenting on the SPOILERS. So if you haven’t seen this episode, STOP here and watch it. Seriously. Watch it first.
Captain Luthor isn’t Captain Luthor at all! He’s John Henry Irons!!! To me it seems he perhaps stole Lex Luthor’s AI, who distinguishes everyone as “Captain Luthor.” I don’t think we’ve ever heard John Henry refer to himself as a Luthor, and the AI mistakes Clark for Captain Luthor as well.
But what an amazing reveal! He’s got the suit, he’s got the hammer, he’s got Steelworks, he’s got Natasha! John Henry is one of my all time favorite Superman supporting cast! It is so good to see him in live action again! Not only that but this is a new twist for the character – being from another earth, having been married to Lois, and starting out as an antagonist for Superman, but I cannot wait to see where they go from here! Amazing to see Natasha here too. Here’s hoping we see more of her, and that she’ll get to suit up eventually too!

Not to get needlessly controversial, but with all the talk of black Superman in the coming movie or black Jimmy Olsen in the coming animated series, I cannot tell you how refreshing it is to see some actually originally Black characters finally getting some representation. Can we maybe stop changing people’s ethnicities and give some love to the characters that are already there? Where’s Ron Troupe? Where’s Kieth White? Where’s Marisol Leone? Where’s Robinson Goode? Where’s Hope (Lex Luthor’s bodyguard)? Where’s Tasmin Humphries? I am so pleased to see John Henry making his LIVE action comeback in such epic fashion. Welcome aboard Mr. Irons!
Superman & Lois S1 Ep 7 is a completely engrossing and surprising epic that answers so many of our questions, while bringing us so many more! This episode really continues the established quality of performance and visual excellence too, and like I said this is my favourite episode to date.