BLACK ADAM INTERVIEWS: Producers, Hiram Garcia & Beau Flynn.


Earlier this week I had the opportunity to sit down with Black Adam producers, Hiram Garcia and Beau Flynn to talk about their experiences creating the film.

Earlier this week I had the opportunity to sit down with Black Adam producers, Hiram Garcia and Beau Flynn to talk about their experiences creating the film.

Black Adam Producers - Hiram Garcia & Beau Flynn Interviews
Photo Credit: DC World

Tasmin: Congratulations both! The film I amazing, I didn’t know what to expect going into it but loved every moment of it!

Hiram: Oh thank you, wow.

Tasmin: So obviously the film has been YEARS in the making – 15 years to be exact – how did you feel when you got to see it in its entirety for the first time?

Beau: Oh I mean, it really landed for Hiram and I in New York at the world premiere. We were so deep in the movie and it has been so close to us that when all of a sudden we sat down in our seats and watched the movie with the fans and the audience, there were 3,500 people watching the movie throughout various theatres in Time Square. I think that was a moment where you are really like we’re so extremely blessed and what an incredible moment to be here, and I think that really was the first time that we got to take that experience in.

Hiram: You know, we’re watching so many different cuts of the movie and focusing small parts here and there, but there was something so special that we always kept in the back of our mind. I never watched the movie completely finished until it was in front of an audience, I just didn’t want to. I didn’t want to ruin it. It’s like I watched it in the rough, in the blue screen and this and focusing on the code and blah blah blah. I saved the actual moment of watching it fully mixed and everything to watch with the audience just to be able to enjoy it, I was just so glad because it was a really awesome to hear. You know sometimes you couldn’t even hear the dialogue because the fans were cheering so much and that’s a dream come true.

Beau: Yeah there’s a specific balance you have to make, particularly with this genre which we learned a lot about, we’ve always been about servicing the fans right? Off Jungle Cruise you know we had to go ahead, that was a legacy ride we knew we had to do certain things, but in Black Adam it was really unique because A you have to have a great movie and tell a great story first and foremost right? But at the same time you really have to be granular and Hiram was so brilliant when it comes to exactly servicing the fans with each character in terms of how you tell the story. So that blend is really quite challenging, but also so exciting and it really makes this experience of something that we’ve never done before and that was fun.

Tasmin: Amazing, thank you so much!

I want to extend a huge thank you to Warner Bros UK for this incredible experience, and thanks to Black Adam producers, Hiram Garcia & Beau Flynn for being so great!

Black Adam hits cinemas on 21st October.

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