REVIEW: Supergirl Special #1
The current Action Comics season is unlike any other. Every member of the Super-Family has been getting the spotlight like Power Girl, Superboy, and Steel. Supergirl Special #1 completes that unofficial series with us finally checking in on Kara and seeing how she’s doing with all these super-people flying around. And without any mainline Supergirl series, this issue is very much welcome.
Jamal Campbell showcases Kara in all her Action Comics suit glory. It’s the traditional back-against-the-wall taking on bullet storms –typical for members of the Super-family. Campbell always does a great job of bringing out the shine in DC’s heroes. His work over on the main Superman series gives it all its visual light.

Frank Cho puts Kara above the clouds in her classic suit. The white clouds and doves as the ever-present symbol of peace complement her presence all the more. Cho has been drawing superheroines for years. There’s always something so charming, beautiful, and empowering seeing women being strong and brave. That can actually sum up all of Supergirl’s character.

Ramon Perez includes Krypto the Superdog in his high-flying variant. The large patches of land devoid of any tall buildings or skyscrapers mean that Kara and he could be flying over Smallville. They aren’t tearing across the sky, but keeping it at a cruising altitude and speed with Krypto getting scratches like the good boy he is. The Super-family may go through costume changes but all Superdog needs is his cape and collar.

More great Supergirl variants are by Will Jack and Amancy Nahuelpan.

Similar to Conner in Superboy: Man of Tomorrow, Kara is also going through her own identity and role crisis as Supergirl, especially with the new emergence of Power Girl within the pages of Action Comics. Even though Metropolis is safe like never before with the Super-family operating together, she can’t help but feel redundant. But rather than thinking and going outwards as Conner did, Kara looks inward –especially with her now precious memories of her life on Krypton as she tells Otho, Osul, and Jon.
Kara especially reflects on a race she lost at what could be described as Argo City High School. There’s a point to that story – how wanting to win can be a fault and can even cause us to lose because there’s always the possibility of being a step behind. That could be how she feels about Power Girl and the Super-family. Kara continues to confront these emotions after tending to a collapsing building with Lois and even Paige.
Mariko Tamaki is a master of writing Kara as the displaced teenage refugee she is, with vast memories of where she came from, trauma from the events that ended it, and a desire to find her place as she’s demonstrated in Supergirl: Being Super. In a way, this issue almost feels like the indirect sequel to it. The climate of Action Comics seems to bring out all these qualities in her. Tamaki gives us the much-needed check-in on Kara all superfans needed. Letters are done by Becca Carey.
Skylar Patridge takes her art from the pages of Wonder Woman to Supergirl now with a style that very much feels akin to Bilquis Evely’s work in Woman of Tomorrow. The comic book action is kept to a couple of pages as the real story is Kara confiding in her numerous family members. In a way, you could call it a human interest piece on superheroes. Colors are done by Marissa Louise.
In stark contrast to Conner when he had his crisis within the Superfamily, Kara stays down to Earth and decides to find the answers within in Supergirl Special #1. There’s no need to leave the planet when sometimes, the answer is right there in front of you.
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