REVIEW: My Adventures With Superman S1 Finale: ‘Hearts Of The Fathers’
Warner Bros. and Studio Mir made the Superman animation history books with ‘My Adventures With Superman’. From the looks of it alone, everyone knew that it was going to be a little different, and so it was.
My Adventures of Superman finally gave us a solo animated Superman series of the likes that hasn’t been seen since the 2000s. The season finale, “Hearts of the Fathers”, is all about what makes this incarnation of Superman unique as he literally must face down his alien heritage with everyone he loves and cares about being in the picture.
A Thanksgiving episode comes sooner than expected as Clark (Jack Quaid), Lois (Alice Lee), and Jimmy (Ishmel Sahid) head to the Kent farm for the holiday with Ma (Kari Wahlgren) and Pa (Reid Scott). The three friends are riding a high because they were just promoted to actual reporters at the Daily Planet. However, Clark has to try to keep on a bright face while still wrestling with the revelation of Zero Day, which the Kents live on the very site of. Awkward hilarity ensues when Lois’ dad, Sam Lane (Joel de la Fuente) is invited. If you didn’t know he was the general, welcome to the world of Superman.

Since episode seven, Lois has been in possession of a multiversal file on evil Supermen from various Earth. Clark finally gets his hands on it here, at a time when he really didn’t need to see it. The sphere-like device doesn’t just have files on it, it’s also a casing for Kryptonite which has not been encountered until this point in the series. The Kent farm once again becomes the site of what could be an alien invasion with Kryptonians leading the charge once Clark’s crashed ship picks up the radioactive crystal fragment from the home world. Clark literally has to make a stand at home to face what he has been fearing since he really started learning about his heritage. Sam Lane also has to make some serious decisions here, eliminate Superman like he was sent to, or help him.
The last episode ended the Task Force X saga, at least for now. So, the only thing left was the question of the Kryptonian aggression on Zero Day. There could’ve been no Task Force X without Zero Day since that’s where all the technology came from. This also isn’t a run-of-the-mill battle; Clark comes to learn that the strange hologram of that man who doesn’t speak any Earth language and calls him son may not be all that evil as well. He also really proves himself here, willing to make the most selfless decision that truly defines him as the Superman of his universe as Mxyzptlk said.

There are a lot of little moments with the characters, which by now we are more than attached to and care about. Ma is really sweet to Lois, Pa is intensely into Thanksgiving and gives Clark sage advice, and Clark and Lois continue to be absolutely adorable together. Lois’ relationship with her dad is finally looked at here, too – he’s still in his stern phase it seems. Jimmy has his own little adventure off-screen that, honestly, has the best takeaway from this episode – tons of new adventures can arise from that.
Warner Bros. and Studio Mir made the Superman animation history books with ‘My Adventures With Superman’. From the looks of it alone, everyone knew that it was going to be a little different, and so it was. A younger Clark, Jimmy, and Lois, a Krypton shrouded in mystery, and more tech-based reimaginings of rogues are just a few of the things that set it apart. There’s a lot to look forward to in the upcoming second season based on the last minutes.
‘My Adventures With Superman’ airs new episodes Thursday’s at midnight on Adult Swim and is then available to stream on Max the following day.
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