REVIEW: Action Comics #1072
Action Comics #1072 pick up where the previous issue left off as we delve into the reveal of Mon-El being The Phantom and with that cliffhanger last week, I have been eager to learn more about the how’s and the why’s. This issue answers that!
But before we get into the issue itself, let’s take a look at the covers! The main cover by Clayton Henry & Tomeu Morey is a great one, it captures perfectly the theme and revelations of the issue and hints towards the plot of the villain. The art is great and I particularly love the additional of the emblem within the grains of sand.

The variant cover by Wes Craig & Mike Spicer is one of my favourites for this issue, I love the cartoonistic approach and use of bold colours to make the emblem pop against the nights sky. The detail is just right and the shadowing really adds to the impact of this cover.

Ibrahim Mustafa’s variant is a beauty. The background imagery, atmospheric lighting and composition of the cape is perfect. The sun poking through the buildings adds a romantic feel to the cover which I love.

The variant by Mark Spears is awesome! It is filled with detail with his hyper-realistic art style. The colours which almost seem like it has a neon hue really adds to the sci-fi-esque feel that this issue and cover has.

This reunion between Superman and Mon-El feels almost awkward, whilst Mon-El is and was fully aware of Superman’s arrival in The Phantom Zone, Superman was left in the dark and going in blind. Not to mention the countless attacks he endured since his arrival… most at the hand of Mon-El as it turns out. What I love here is how writer, Mark Waid gives us a brief run-down on Mon-El, who he is and how he ended up in The Phantom Zone, which for some readers will be very useful.
Meanwhile Conner Kent and Kong Kenan investigate the alarms that were sounding at The Fortress Of Solitude and it seems someone has managed to do the impossible, right under their noses. During their bickering, which was strangely nice to see, they too find themselves disappearing from sight.
In this issue we also see why Mon-El is rather cold toward Superman, he knows something. Here we get a run down of everything he has found out and it is quite horrific. With stakes like this and an unknown world to explore, this is going to be a very entertaining and exciting story arc! After hearing of the Aethyr’s background, we find one of his rather dangerous accomplices has escaped and he shares the news of their visitor with his master. This will pose even more of a threat to Superman as he is still losing his powers each and every time they are used and now, Xa-Du has given Aethyr a means of punishment for Superman.
(8/10) Action Comics #1072 is a great issue that goes along way to explain to Superman and the readers exactly what the stakes are. After reading this issue I am even more excited to find out what is going to happen!